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WA Liberal Party votes for watered-down secession motion

I supported Brexit, Calexit, but now WAxit/ Waexit is growing in momentum, amid a recent motion from the WA Liberal party.

While this change will likely never happen, is speaks something to the greedy, corporatist elements within the WA Liberal party.

This is not to deny that WA gets an unfavourable deal in the GST.

However, as a Western Australian citizen, I find the idea of disbanding our great nation over economic quarrels, abhorrent.

The image this motion displays of the Liberal Party, is a movement prioritizing economic growth over culture, history and heritage.

Any patriotic Australian, whether they be Western Australian or otherwise, would surely disagree with such a worldview.

Liberal motion.jpg

ABC, by Eliza Laschon, September 3, 2017:

WA Liberal Party members have passed a WAxit motion for a committee to examine if the state could become financially independent.

The motion was put forward at the party’s state conference by Rick Palmer from the brand division who argued WA was getting dudded by Canberra.

“It wasn’t a brainstorm one morning, this came out of the fact that a group of us had been talking to people expressing an anger at the way the federation’s treating Western Australia,” he said.

“It doesn’t just go to the GST. We send a significant amount of revenue in the form of income tax … capital gains tax, superannuation contributions’ tax all goes to Canberra.

“It’s not reasonable and something has to change.”

The motion called for the state council to establish a committee with three former members of Parliament and three members of council to “examine the option of Western Australia becoming a financially independent state”.

The motion did not initially contain the word “financially” but an amendment was passed to make it “financially independent”.

WA Liberal leader Mike Nahan voted against the motion.

“There is absolutely no doubt that federation that has evolved over the last many decades is doing well by Western Australia, indeed the nation,” Dr Nahan said.

“I can’t argue with all those points about the unfair allocation of money withdrawn from the state.

“But … we’re like a family, someone told me many people who are large families will wish they had single-child family, but that’s not possible…

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