Coronavirus · Immigration/ Multiculturalism · Nationalist/ Tribalist themes

Necessary Alienation From the Coronavirus Epidemic

Chinese people: a group some view as being potential coronavirus contaminants

Saturday, the Subiaco Post published an article on the effects of coronavirus in Perth.

This article lamented over how fears of coronavirus are hurting Chinese people, through reducing restaurant revenues and fostering anti-Chinese bigotry.

As could be expected and in response to this epidemic, Australians are being asked to show greater tolerance.

Jacquie Chan, the owner of Miss Chow’s Chinese restaurant in Claremont, implored people to “be compassionate instead of being stupid about it.”

This is obviously an unreasonable favour to ask. Chan is requesting, in effect, that Australians place themselves at greater risk of contracting a deadly, unpredictable disease by continuing unabated contact with Chinese people–so that people like her feel less excluded. In doing so, Chan reveals the idiocy of multicultural ideology: which operates unimpeded for vague reasons of compassion, even when it gravely endangers individual and community safety.

By now, however, it should be fairly clear that multicultural ideology lacks the necessary resolve to perpetuate human society. This was clear before coronavirus and will remain true afterwards.

But Chan goes on to make a more novel point, that will be key in grappling with future dilemmas posed by multiculturalism.

On what rising consciousness of coronavirus means for Chinese people in Australia, Chan warns

Now we are worried, wondering what’s going to happen to us and what the future may be like.

In other words, public fears over coronavirus are making Chinese people feel alienated and unwelcome in Australian society.

To be perfectly frank and from the perspective of an Australian nationalist, this comprises a necessary alienation. For significantly, Australians are increasingly becoming strangers in the country that was erected for them. Despite our rightful indignation, those who point this out are subject to vilification–through ‘Nazi’, ‘white supremacist’, ‘white nationalist’ and ‘racist’.

While Australians have been losing for the past 45 years–regardless of sentiment repeatedly expressed at election time–people like Jacquie Chan have been doing well. Put simply, our losses have been their gains.

With civilisation being a zero-sum game and foreigners coming here otherwise unimpeded, it is a good thing that Chinese people are feeling uncomfortable and uncertain about their future.

As discomfort levels rise–on the part of both Australians fearing coronavirus and Chinese fearing a backlash–this carries a potential to shift the Overton window in bringing nationalist ideas into the mainstream.

Of course, coronavirus is a tragedy for those currently (and yet) to be affected. That said, the continued deterioration of coronavirus will present massive opportunities for us to make metapolitical inroads.

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